2024/25 Retriever Field Trial Schedule
***** All aged trial has been cancelled*****
Retriever Schedule - 2024_to_2025_retriever_schedule.doc
Entry Form for the Open -24_ret_open_entry_form_nevill_holt.doc
Entry Form for the Novice -24_ret_novice_entry_form_ampton.doc
Entry Form for the All Aged - 24_ret_all_aged_entry_form_witham.doc ***** THIS TRIAL HAS BEEN CANCELLED*****
So we are getting back in the swing of things booking grounds and judges ready for the coming season. Please can I remind everyone that any competitor being abusive at any point the Society reserves the right to refuse entry and or membership. Please be courteous after all without Secretaries and grounds competitors would be unable to run their dogs
As more and more bank branches are closing paying in cheques is becoming more difficult. Please can you ensure that all cheques are made payable to "Midland Counties Field Trials Society" as the Post Office will not accept abreviations of MCFTS, Midland Counties FTS or Midland CFTS. Thank you.
As more and more bank branches are closing paying in cheques is becoming more difficult. Please can you ensure that all cheques are made payable to "Midland Counties Field Trials Society" as the Post Office will not accept abreviations of MCFTS, Midland Counties FTS or Midland CFTS. Thank you.